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House of Evexia by Helen Taylor
Photograph of Greyhair

The benefits of semi permanent make-up for those suffering from hair loss

In my job, I often meet with clients who have come to seek my help after suffering from an illness, where alopecia (hair loss) has been a side effect. Some of the most common issues that people have been dealing with are cancer, trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling) and alopecia – a common condition that often goes unrecognised in its own right.

The treatments that I can offer in this respect emphasise the importance of semi-permanent makeup treatments not only for cosmetic treatments but in the paramedical field, too.

Feeling good

Everyone deserves to feel beautiful. Looking good on the outside can significantly boost our spirits and make us feel great on the inside, too. Battling an illness is stressful and exhausting at the best of times, which is why I love how I can use my talent, knowledge and experience to help ease the pain of those suffering. My paramedical makeup solutions have been specially designed to help bring back confidence by restoring a client’s natural appearance.

I want to talk about confidence for a moment, as this is such a crucial part of how we can equip ourselves to deal with the hurdles that we have to overcome in life. Confidence changes everything about us – the way we behave, how we present ourselves to others and interact in a social context.

It’s only natural that when we look our best, our confidence will also go sky-high. Using this strength and power, we’re equipped with the essential resources needed to battle through our daily lives.

Our confidence will inevitably take a very sharp hit when we’re left fighting for our health, and the sad fact is that the symptoms of alopecia are often aggravated by the shock and stress we experience in response to it.

Embarrassment, shame and depression are common side effects of those suffering from hair loss, with sufferers becoming more introverted and finding their career, social lives and friendships suffering.

Thankfully, there is a solution.
Time and time again, I’ve been left with tears of happiness in my eyes, after completing cosmetic treatments and helping to bring back the confidence of my clients. My work helps to reinforce strength and a positive outlook, to restore and revitalise both physically and mentally, and to lift the mood.

Natural beauty

Oncologists have been talking for a long time about the positive effect that permanent makeup treatments can have in both the short- and long-term for patients, particularly after going through distressing medical treatments.

If you’re suffering from cancer, I can restore your natural appearance after hair loss in chemotherapy. I’ll meet with you before you go through the process and carefully note the style, colour and natural features of your brows and hair. I also offer a one-on-one consultation and study photos after you’ve gone through the process, should you have suffered hair loss as a side effect.

Where there’s a problem, there’s a solution…

So now let’s get down to how exactly I can you if you’re suffering from hair loss and bald patches. I use a new cutting-edge technology and a system commonly known as hair and scalp tattooing or scalp follicle pigmentation.

This involves dying the scalp and inserting pigment to create the illusion of new hair follicles with thousands of tiny tattooed dots. I do full head and top-ups to suit the individual client.

Bringing back the brows

Many people are shocked that suffering from alopecia can mean not only losing the hair on your head but losing your eyebrows, too. I’ve had many female clients confiding in me about how they feel less feminine because of this – an issue that I understand entirely. Eyebrows are such a vital part of our face, helping to frame our features, give us definition and shape our expressions.

I offer a range of brows including hairstrokes or powdered brows to restore your natural look, definition and colour. Some clients even use the opportunity to try my combination brow style for a dramatic statement look!

I also offer clients the option to have a subtle liner around the eyes, to enhance definition and ‘open up’ the eyes.

Many people have some questions and doubts before choosing to invest in permanent makeup treatments, which is entirely understandable, particularly so if you’re feeling vulnerable and anxious due to suffering from alopecia.

I’d love to have a chat, to answer your questions and ease any concerns.

Please just give me a call on 0800 690 6871 or drop me an email at: [email protected]


House of Evexia,
24, Railway Terrace
CV21 3LJ

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