HBOT Oxygen Chamber Photograph

Oxygen Chamber - HBOT

Hyperbaric Oxygen

Dive into the rejuvenating world of Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers, where pressurised oxygen revitalises cells, accelerates healing, and promotes overall wellness for a transformative and invigorated you.
Air Conditioned
Experience Comfort and Care: Our Air-Conditioned Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers Await You!

What is Oxygen Pressure Therapy?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (HBOT) is a non-invasive, painless treatment which involves breathing pure oxygen at higher than atmospheric pressures in an enclosed chamber. This process causes oxygen to be absorbed by all body fluids and by all body cells and tissues, even those with blocked or reduced blood flow. The amount of oxygen dissolved in the body has long been known to be directly proportional to the pressure surrounding the body and the pressure of the air breathed.

Your blood carries the extra oxygen through your body in the plasma, accelerating your natural healing process, reducing inflammation, boosting the production of white blood cells that fight infection and even speeding up recovery. It is used around the world for medical, wellness and sports-related issues and conditions, to help the body to repair, recover and rejuvenate.

What Are The Benefits of HBOT?

With the help of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, more oxygen can be supplied to your plasma, cerebral spinal fluid (the fluid that is surrounding the brain and spine), the central nervous system fluids, the lymph system and bones.

HBOT may be used to help improve sporting performance, significantly reduce recovery times, treat illness and injury, improve stamina and endurance, promote post-operative healing, improve skin tone, or to support your general health and well-being. Other benefits include:

✓ Improved energy levels
✓ Collagen and skin cell renewal
✓ Reduced inflammation 
✓ New blood cell production 
✓ Reduce pain
✓ Improved and enhanced immune system 
✓ Reduce stress
✓ Reduce the effects of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) 

How Can Extra Oxygen Help Me?

Oxygen is an element which is essential for us to live, and is necessary for our body to function correctly. Oxygen is vital for energy production, and is fundamental to help our bodies grow, heal and fight infections. Think of this method like an oxygen supplement, improving our overall health and giving the body an extra ability to perform at its best and helping to speed up the natural processes, such as healing. More Oxygen, More Energy…

The Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy chamber is used to provide an increase in the amount of oxygen that passes into your body from your lungs every time you breathe. The extra oxygen makes more energy available in the body, giving the body extra capacity to fight disease, accelerate the healing of injuries, and improve overall health and vitality.

The increase in pressure from your Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) may increase the oxygen levels in your body and, in turn, increase the available energy in your body to
support the brain, heart, and liver. High oxygen availability may also improve immune function and response.   Increasing the body’s natural absorption of oxygen could help to:

✓ repair tissue damage 
✓ prevent premature ageing 
✓ increase blood flow 
✓ offset dementia  
✓ remove impurities from pollution and toxins, such as those caused by smoking

Diffused Oxygen Diagram

Above you can see the key mechanism of action involved in Hyperbaric Oxygen, which is that despite any anatomical hindrance and occlusions which may occur in the capillary networks, HBOT allows oxygen to be carried within the blood plasma due to the increase in pressure.

How Can I Get More Oxygen Into My Body?

At normal air pressure, our oxygen-carrying cells (red blood cells) are saturated and therefore cannot carry any more oxygen that may be introduced into our bodies.

During Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, the body is gently placed under pressure, creating an environment where oxygen may dissolve directly into the blood, tissue, and other bodily
fluids, thereby increasing oxygen levels in the cells allowing for enhanced energy availability over time.

Is This Therapy Safe For Me?

Hyperbaric oxygen use is a safe and pain free method that can even be used with children, however it is not for everyone. It should not be used by people who have had:

✓ a recent ear surgery or ear trauma
✓a cold or fever
✓certain types of lung disease
✓Upper respiratory infections
✓ Chronic sinusitis or sinus problems
✓ High fever
✓ Severe emphysema or other breathing problems
✓ Pregnancy

Please consult your GP if you are unsure before commencing with HBOT.

Can HBOT Help My Clinical Condition?

As with all biotechnolgy methods and clinical conditions, we would always recommend that you consult your Health Practitioner before starting any new therapy. However, the use of HBOT has been well established in the management of a number of chronic conditions, and there is a ongoing research with promising results that demonstrate the benefits for many, including:

✓ Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
✓ Fibromyalgia
✓ Multiple sclerosis
✓ Migraine
✓ Stroke
✓ Lyme disease
✓ Some forms of cancer
✓ Post-operation scarring
✓ Soft tissue damage

Effective Oxygen Methods For Injured Athletes

Elite sportspeople from Rugby, Tennis, American Football (NFL), Basketball (NBA), Olympic Swimming and more have been known to use HBOT to aid them with their injury rehabilitation, energy levels, and endurance. HBOT may:

✓ Aid the repair of damaged muscle tissue
✓ Help injuries to heal faster by enriching the bloodstream with extra oxygen
✓ Speed up the healing process to reduce inflammation
✓ Lead to a more efficient recovery
✓ Reduce the effects of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)

HBOT for Younger Looking, Hydrated and Smooth Skin

Whilst there are ways to slow the effects of visually aging skin through a healthy diet, drinking water, exercise, lotions and potions etc, some aging is inevitable because, despite our best efforts, we just can’t beat genetics or the passage of time. Or can we?

HBOT has been dubbed as one of Hollywood's best kept beauty secrets and it is rapidly becoming the first choice for skincare and anti-aging by many celebrities, actors and top models whose skin is constantly in the limelight.

Wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars and age spots are all forms of skin damage. By increasing the circulation to the skin, HBOT may stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity, naturally improving the damage to your skin, diminishing fine lines and wrinkles and repairing scar tissue.

Not only can skin damage be minimised on the face, but your entire body could benefit from HBOT. It can be particularly effective for those who may have spent their younger years laying in the sun or using tanning beds.

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Unlock a new chapter in your health with a forensic health consultation at House of Evexia. Our specialists will assess your unique needs and provide expert guidance to help you regain control. Book your complimentary Zoom consultation today and take the first step towards better health and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are several stages during a typical Hyperbaric Oxygen session.

✓ The first stage is compression in which the chamber is pressurised to the required pressure

✓ You may feel warm for a few minutes at the start of your session

✓ You may feel a slight pressure in your ears or sinuses during your HBOT session. Your therapist will help guide you to relieve any discomfort

✓ The chamber is maintained at the required pressure whilst you breathe in the oxygen throughout your session (60 – 90 minutes)

✓ You may feel sleepy during your session, this is normal

✓ The chamber is then depressurised and your session is finished

✓ You may feel cool and slightly tired at the end of your HBOT session, again this is normal

As HBOT is a pressurised air approach, the start and end of your session may feel similar to the take-off or landing of an aeroplane. As the pressure builds in the chamber, the pressure builds within your ears, which may leave you with an ear-popping or fullness sensation. This sensation should only last 10-15 minutes, your HBOT Therapist will guide you to relieve any ear pressure and discomfort. Once the desired pressure of the chamber is reached you may feel sleepy, and you can relax and breathe normally for the duration of your session.

Hyperbaric Oxygen is an extremely safe, non-invasive approach, with very few rare potential side effects. Your HBOT Therapist will discuss the safety aspects with you in detail at your initial consultation. Our HBOT chambers have built-in safety devices to ensure minimal risk and that your safety and wellbeing is at the forefront of everything we do.

HBOT is extremely safe. The pressure used in the HBOT Chambers is mild, therefore any side effects are extremely rare. However, it is common to feel slightly tired following your HBOT session

Our HBOT Chambers offer a mild level of hyperbaric oxygen, so overdosing is virtually impossible. Our skilled HBOT therapists will develop a programme to ensure the correct levels are used for your individual requirements.

Some people may feel claustrophobic during their HBOT session however, most chambers have been designed to help prevent feelings of claustrophobia, with several viewing panels allowing light into the chamber. You will never be locked into the HBOT chamber so should feelings of claustrophobia become overwhelming, we will be able to open the chamber quickly and your HBOT therapist will be there to help relax you with guided breathing techniques.

No. The majority of clients find HBOT sessions relaxing and peaceful, with many reporting feeling sleepy even during the session. You may experience some mild ear fullness which is similar to the sensation you experience during flight take-off or landing, but this should not be painful. If you do experience any ear discomfort during your session, inform your HBOT Therapist immediately who will adjust the pressure of the chamber to relieve the ear pressure.

The initial consultation is an essential suitability step, to ensure that we can offer you a safe and effective tailored HBOT programme. The consultation allows us to fully understand your medical circumstances via a medical evaluation form to determine the appropriate HBOT programme, based on medical history and latest clinical research.

It is not advisable to have HBOT during pregnancy.

If you have a cold, fever, flu-like systems, frequent loose stools, or other illnesses such as high blood pressure please be aware that, for your safety, your session might be delayed. A cold or other illness may affect your ability to clear your ears when using a HBOT chamber, which could lead to an inner ear injury.

Results will inevitably vary dependent on your programme, situation and individual needs. Some patients will see immediate benefits, whereas others may complete their HBOT sessions before they see results.

A typical HBOT session lasts between 60 – 90 minutes, depending on your condition and needs. This will be discussed with you at your initial consultation.

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“My allergies were getting worse each year. Helen at House of Evexia identified specific allergens and underlying immune dysfunction through comprehensive tests. The individualised protocol they designed has drastically reduced my symptoms. I can now enjoy activities without constant discomfort. Their thorough testing and personalised care are second to none.” – Alice W.

Alice’s Triumph Over Allergies

“Managing diabetes was overwhelming until I found House of Evexia. Through a personalised protocol, we addressed my insulin resistance and dietary habits. The results were astonishing—my blood sugar levels are now stable, and I’ve lost weight. Their approach is personalized and effective. Anyone with diabetes should consider their assessments.” – David K.

David’s Victory Over Diabetes

“I was battling severe anxiety and traditional treatments weren’t working. House of Evexia performed detailed tests and found that oxidative stress was a major factor. The individual protocol they created for me included dietary changes and specific supplements. My anxiety has decreased significantly, and I feel more balanced. If you’re struggling with anxiety, I highly recommend their services.” – Emma R.

Emma’s Relief from Anxiety

“After a heart disease scare, I turned to Helen at  House of Evexia for help. Their 12-month protocol involved comprehensive blood tests and lifestyle changes. The program was intensive but effective; my blood pressure is now under control, and I feel healthier overall. For anyone dealing with cardiovascular issues, this is a game-changer.” – John D.

John’s Heart Health Restoration

“Autoimmune issues had me in constant pain. The team at House of Evexia used toxicity testing to uncover hidden triggers and tailored a 12-month protocol to address them. The results have been incredible—I’m in less pain and have more mobility. Their expertise in functional medicine is unmatched. I encourage anyone with autoimmune problems to get an assessment.” – Linda M.

Linda’s Battle with Autoimmune Conditions

Diagnosed with thyroid disease, I was struggling with weight gain and fatigue. House of Evexia’s comprehensive 1-2-1 12-month plan included detailed blood tests and targeted supplements. The personalised attention and regular check-ins made a huge difference. My thyroid function has improved significantly, and I feel like myself again. If you have thyroid issues, this is the place to go.” – Mark L.

Mark’s Thyroid Disease Turnaround

“I suffered from chronic fatigue for years, barely managing to get through my days. The 12-month protocol at House of Evexia changed my life. Through comprehensive testing and a personalised treatment plan, we identified nutrient deficiencies and hormonal imbalances. Today, I have more energy than ever. Highly recommend their thorough approach to anyone dealing with similar issues.” – Sarah T.

Sarah’s Journey with Chronic Fatigue

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