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House of Evexia by Helen Taylor
Understanding Our Bodies, colourful images of bodies with mind maps.

How Do I Look and Feel Well?

Understanding our bodies and how they tick is the key to looking and feeling well. At different stages of life, our bodies have unique needs, and knowledge about these changes is power. Taking control of your health is not just about addressing problems when they arise but proactively nurturing your well-being.

One fundamental aspect of maintaining good health is managing stress. Chronic stress can manifest physically, affecting your appearance and overall health. Simple techniques like mindfulness, meditation, or engaging in a hobby you love can significantly reduce stress levels. It’s all about finding joy in the little things and making time for yourself.

Quality sleep is another cornerstone of looking and feeling well. Our bodies repair and rejuvenate during sleep, so it’s crucial to get 7-9 hours of restful sleep each night. Create a calming bedtime routine, limit screen time before bed, and make your bedroom a serene environment. Poor sleep can lead to dark circles, dull skin, and a lack of energy, so prioritising rest is essential.

Your environment also plays a significant role in your well-being. A clean, organised, and well-lit space can uplift your mood and energy levels. Surround yourself with positive influences and ensure you get plenty of natural light during the day. Small changes like adding houseplants can improve air quality and create a more inviting atmosphere.

Diet is another crucial factor. What you eat directly impacts how you look and feel. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can work wonders for your skin, hair, and energy levels. Avoiding processed foods, seed oils and excessive sugars will help prevent energy crashes and support overall health. Staying hydrated is equally important, as it keeps your skin glowing and your body functioning optimally.

Spending time outdoors is a natural way to boost your mood and health. Fresh air and sunlight can enhance your well-being, providing vitamin D and improving your outlook on life. Regular outdoor activities, whether it’s a walk, gardening, or simply sitting in the sun, can make a big difference.

Exercise is vital for maintaining both physical and mental health. Regular physical activity improves circulation, enhances mood, and keeps your body in shape. Find an activity you enjoy, whether it’s yoga, dancing, or swimming, and make it a regular part of your routine. Exercise not only helps you look good but also feel fantastic.

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we might still feel off. This is where understanding your body through functional blood tests can be invaluable. Identifying deficiencies or imbalances can provide insights into why you might be feeling tired or unwell. At House of Evexia, we offer comprehensive functional blood tests to pinpoint any potential issues and help you address them effectively.

Taking charge of your health involves seeking the right support and guidance. As a functional medicine practitioner, I offer personalised advice tailored to your unique needs. If you’re looking to understand your body better and enhance your well-being, I invite you to book a complimentary discovery call with me.

Take the first step towards looking and feeling your best by booking your discovery call here. Together, we can explore how to optimise your health and ensure you thrive at every stage of life.

Here’s to looking and feeling well! Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments – I’m here to help. Stay vibrant and healthy!


House of Evexia,
24, Railway Terrace
CV21 3LJ

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